The aim of the intellectual output 2 [IO2] was the design of a pedagogical framework and the preparation for the content for six learning modules, based on the results of [IO1],  a needs analysis of trainees and a Delphi Study for the determination and finalization of the key areas of the curriculum development. EDUCABILITY partners have considered experts perceptions on which key concepts to develop, and which teaching and evaluation methods to adopt for the six curriculums.

The Information Literacy Training Package (ILTP) includes:

  1. a generic IL curriculum template, based on the established IL Models
  2. Critical Literacy (CL) curriculum
  3. Digital Literacy (DiL) curriculum
  4. Mobile Literacy (MoL) curriculum
  5. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) curriculum
  6. Data Literacy (DL) curriculum
  7. Sustainable Development Literacy (SDL) curriculum.

The leading partner (CUT team), prepared the IL Generic Prototype which all partners could use as an example for their curricula development. A complete Six Information Literacy Curricula Development was created in the form of a text compiled by each partner’s specific contribution. Each partner, including the leading partner, was in charge of the design and creation of their learning modules. This content was then used for the creation of the integrated online, open access, asynchronous literacy course curriculum in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), for educators and librarians in the participant countries, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, and Serbia.

Each course is independent, but all six courses form a complete Information Literacy Training Package (ILTP) for educators and librarians interested in continuing their professional development in a more comprehensive and specific IL field. Furthermore, the curriculum design took into consideration various learning theories and teaching approaches to offer end-users, a variety of quality educational approaches for the development of the different literacy skills.

In each course a set of interactive activities was developed such as quizzes, crosswords, interactive videos, interactive books, interactive presentations, flashcards, drag-and-drop exercises, etc. and learners can receive comprehensive feedback with the correct answers for each activity. In this way, educators and librarians gain knowledge and skills that will make them confident to plan their own activities and interventions on various topics.

Each course consists of the following components:

  • General information about the course (language, scope, target group, contact details, etc.)
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Learning content (bibliography, theory, activities)
  • Complementary material for upskilling (suggested practices, theory, advice, strategies, tools, hacks, resources, etc.)

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